This page is for shipping updates. All of these dates are based on the estimated dates of arrival that we get from our production company, but sometimes production is delayed, and this will keep you updated on all new releases. We go by what we're told from production, so thank you for your understanding if anything is delayed. We appreciate you!
Mickey Diamond - No Liquor Before 12 [REISSUE] (Was shipped December 9th, 2024)
Figerson - Oyabun (Was shipped December 9th, 2024)
Supreme Cerebral x Eloh Kush - Clark Connoisseurs 3 (2LP) (Was shipped January 10th, 2025)
World Be Free - John 3:16 (Was shipped January 10th, 2025)
Mickey Diamond - It's Five O'Clock Somewhere (Shipping January 13th, 2025)
Maze Overlay x Bishop - Eternal Summer (Shipping approx. January 20th, 2025)
Maze Overlay - 84 Testarossa (Shipping approx. January 20th, 2025)
Josiah The Gift - Lavish Language (Shipping approx. January 20th, 2025)
Vega7 The Ronin - Griotes Of The 3rd Rail (Shipping approx. January 25th, 2025)
Jamil Honesty x Hobgoblin - Martyr Musik 3 (Shipping approx. January 25th, 2025)
Big Trip x Jamil Honesty - Honestly Filthy 2 (Shipping approx. February 1st, 2025)
Figerson x Foulemonk - The Phatom Blot (Shipping approx. February 1st, 2025)
100Words & Rick Grey - Extreme Verbal Art (Shipping approx. February 1st, 2025)
Apollo x Machacha - The Greater Good (Shipping approx. February 7th, 2025)
Machacha - Kunst.Art 2 (Shipping approx. February 7th, 2025)
Jamil Honesty x Giallo Point - Shots From The Soviet (Shipping approx. February 7th, 2025)
Pro Dillinger x T. Coltrane - The Lord Of Dirt (Shipping approx. February 13th, 2025)
The OG Ninja - Cocacabana (Shipping approx. February 13th, 2025)
Tree Mason x Spanish Ran - No Rewards 4 The Wicked (Shipping approx. February 20th, 2025)
Bloo Azul x Spanish Ran - Once In A Bloo (Shipping approx. February 20th, 2025)
Everything has been shipped!
Bandcamp Promo Sale From October 4th (Was shipped October 8th, 2024)
Bandcamp Promo Sale From December 6th (Was shipped December 9th, 2024)
Santas Secret Spins - Mystery Box Vol. 1 & 2 (80% are shipping December 19th, the last 20% was shipped January 3rd, 2025).
... If you don't see a specific newer title on here, it means that record has already been shipped.
We ship worldwide with the exception of Russia and Ukraine due to the situation going on.